Enterprise Video
Multimedia applications are growing rapidly in networking environments. Examples of popular video based network systems include video content capture and creation, on-line storage, live streaming, training and announcement presentations, video conferencing, web conferencing, digital signage, and audio/visual control and management systems. A second area of network growth is in video camera security and surveillance systems. The technology for video systems have been changing rapidly from analog to digital, and from stand-alone appliances to network and software based systems, both on campus and on the cloud. The reason for this network migration is better accessibility, security, management, and control.
With strong manufacturing partners, Flexile Systems is an experienced provider of many high quality Enterprise Video system solutions. With knowledge of the enterprise video industry, IP networking, and the IP security industry, Flexile is capable of providing the most effective future-proof solutions for customers who understand the power and convenience of video in training, collaboration, referencing, and security for their offices, classrooms and remote accessibility.
State of Texas Security Alarm License B16036

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Fredericksburg TX 210-493-5400
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